Goodbye Azores

Fly home to Maine from the Azores?? Before the baby is even born?? Yes. Kenny and Jenna were having a Baby Shower and many family members were coming. How often do I get to see all three of my children together? And how often does my Mom come to Maine? Nieces, nephews, brother, brother-in-law, wives, sisters-in-law…they all were coming. Bill knew it was killing me to imagine not being there, and we both feel strongly that we have to make every effort to stay close with family. So off I went, leaving Bill to take care of Alembic.
Horta is no place to leave a boat unattended. Shifts in weather and the arrival of large ships resulted in urgent relocations of Alembic. The anchorage and the wall each had advantages and disadvantages, depending on the day. Luckily, we had plenty of friends in the harbor to assist Bill with moving Alembic a few times while I was away.

Kenny and Jenna prepping for parenthood

So, off I flew to Maine, arriving just a few days before the party. Jenna looked amazing. She is doing absolutely everything right. Between her active job, and her involvement at a fitness studio, Jenna could be the photo model and the exercise coach for all pregnant moms. I remember fondly indulging frequently in my constant hunger while pregnant and succumbing to tent-like outfits. Quite the contrary, Jenna manages to eat in a healthy manner and dress stylishly at all times.

Jenna’s first cake

Erica helps Karen with the watermelon

Karen, Jenna’s mom, had organized everything. Food was coming in with many guests, borrowed middle school tents were already in the garage, and all the supplies were stuffed in the back of her car. I figured out a few items to add to the food list, pushed the vacuum around the already immaculate home, and enjoyed my time visiting with Kenny and Jenna and a few friends.

Da boys

Cathy, my dearest friend, came to York for a visit, and Mel was available for a wonderful get together as well.

I always enjoy time with Mel

More visits would have to wait for a longer stay. I was reveling in family and getting ready for the party!

Dave, Lindsay, and Erica

Lindsay, David, and Erica arrived to help us set up the tents and arrange the food to prepare for the large number of guests. Those tents came in handy, as the day heated up to near 100 degrees. Watching the kids in the kiddie pool was a treat as well as a preview of this yard when the baby arrives and begins to fill the space with adorable energy.

KBear practicing

We all had a great time throughout the day, especially with so many family members and then late into the night around the fire pit with those who lingered on.

Catching up with Lindsay

I was too busy socializing, and didn’t take any pictures. Now I regret that. But the conversations with everyone filled my heart while I managed to catch up with many people I hadn’t seen in a while.

My daughters. Can’t get enough

The next day was another scorcher so we went off for a boat ride. Kenny and Jenna have inherited our much loved Happy Ours (so well named, as the whole family just loves this 19 foot MaritimeSkiff) and jumped in the freezing Maine ocean. Too cold to swim, and too bumpy for Jenna to stay out there too long, we came back and had ice cream and cold drinks to finish off our play.

Cool refreshments

This visit home was too short, as expected, but a perfect snapshot for me to experience Kenny and Jenna preparing for parenthood, and for me to touch base with them and a bunch of other loved ones. I’m so grateful for every moment I can have with those who fill my heart.

The baby is now overdue!

PS I am posting this two months after the events and the baby still hasn’t arrived! The due date was last week!