
Born to adventure, Erica is only a few days old for her first boat ride to an island in Maine

Bill and I couldn’t be more proud of our daughter, Erica, for all of her choices and efforts in becoming the women she is today. Graduating in only three years, at age 20, is only a tiny sliver of her accomplishments. Yes, we were apprehensive when she decided to attend CSU, so far from Maine. Kenny and Lindsay had chosen schools 40 minutes and two hours away, and that suited us. How would we communicate? Visit? Take care of her if she became sick (both Kenny and Lindsay had events where we rushed to them)?

Captain, Erica’s first of many pets

Queen of Chillaxin

Erica has always adored her sister Lindsay and brother Kenny

In Erica fashion, all of our worries were unsubstantiated. She managed communicating, traveling, sickness, and all other challenges with calm intelligence. Thankfully, she called us whenever she had scary or wonderful news to report, and processed many decisions over the phone. Rarely did Bill or I have a solution that she hadn’t already formed. We were simply her sounding board for well organized thoughts.

Wes’ musical talent was a strong asset for Erica



New support networks were formed on day one. One long-lasting network has been Wes and his entire family. On the first day of class, Erica approached him and asked if she could sit beside him. (She told me that he was the cutest boy in the room!) Coffee after class that day must have been a magical elixir, because they are still together! A musically talented, outdoor-loving family with three boys and no girls, they welcomed her with open arms, treating her as a well loved sister and daughter. For this, I will be unconditionally grateful.

Our visit to CSU for the graduation was a blast, in addition to all of the pride bursting within us.

Serving a breakfast feast

Kenny and Jenna flew out for the week and James had just moved into his first home, not far away. Unfortunately, medical school had a grip on Lindsay, with many tests during this week, so she couldn’t attend in person.

Books and teddy bears were always close by

Two sisters, one heart

She certainly was a huge presence this day in Erica’s heart, as she always has been. They have the ultimate sister relationship that distance cannot diminish. Luckily, Lindsay’s dear friend, Kayla, was there to step in as Big Sister.

Kayla steps in as Big Sis

Jenna helps Erica get ready

We all enjoy the day

Toasting Erica at Wes’ beautiful home

Although Colorado is a long way from Maine, and any place Alembic may be, it is always worth the trip. The hikes are spectacular and the weather is second to none. Erica proved to be an excellent tour guide and wasted no time in scheduling a full agenda for us.

Cam the Ram

The younguns

Jenna takes a pose!

The whole gang

Three Cheers to you, Dear Erica! Keep your eyes and heart on your dreams! We Love You!

Let Beauty be your guide